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Glute exercises for runners

Gluteus Exercises for RunnersBuilding mileage and your endurance is important as a runner. But strength training is also important to incorporate to keep you injury free! Our gluteal muscles or buttocks muscles are especially important to strengthen to help keep good...

Returning to Activity after a Pandemic

Returning to Activity after a Pandemic

Returning to Activity After a Pandemic    During the COVID-19 pandemic, activity levels dropped for a lot of people. Between stay at home orders, gym closures and working from home, people became more sedentary. On top of that, there were shortages of equipment...

Training tips for your next run

Training tips for your next run

Whether you are a pro-runner, a beginner or somewhere in between, preparation for your next race is key! Take a look at these tips for before the race and on race day to ensure you have a fun and successful race!  Prior to race Do not try on new clothing, shoes,...

Preparing for your Virtual Run

Preparing for your Virtual Run

As the pandemic continues, we find ourselves missing out on the excitement and motivation of running race days. However, many of our favorite runs have adapted to these times and have gone virtual! Although you are missing the large cheering sections, these runs can...

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