Peak Physical Therapy
Patient centered treatments designed to meet your goals and needs.
Open Hours
Monday: 8:00 am – 7:00 pm
Tuesday: 7:00 am – 7:00 pm
Wednesday: 7:30 am – 7:00 pm
Thursday: 7:00am – 7:00 pm
Fri: 7:30 am – 6:00 pm
Sat & Sun: Closed
The Peak Advantage
Peak Physical Therapy is proud to rise a level above what other clinics and individual athletic trainers can offer. Both our therapists and our treatments meet a unique standard unmatched in our field. We listen to YOU to learn what’s important to you and help you remain active and return to the things you love by putting you in control of your injury and recovery.

Services That We Provide
All Peak physical therapists enjoy a distinct combination of academic, professional and athletic achievements.
At Peak, we are able to provide insight, treatment and service unlike any other physical therapy and rehabilitation practice thanks to a unique pairing of distinguished therapists and productive treatment. We know athletes and proven therapy because we are athletes and proven therapists. That is the Peak Advantage.
Likewise, Peak prides itself on providing uniquely effective and efficient evidence based rehabilitation and physical therapy treatments.

We Are One of the Top Physical Therapy facilities in Your Area.

What Our Patients Say
Frequently Asked Questions
What do Physical Therapists do?
The cornerstones of Physical Therapy treatment are therapeutic exercise and functional training. Physical Therapists educate patients to take care of themselves and to perform certain exercises on their own. Depending on the particular needs of a patient, Physical Therapists may also perform a variety of manual treatments that may include massage, joint mobilizations, stretching, deep tissue mobilization and functional mobilizations.Physical Therapists also use many different modalities, such as ultrasound, interferential stimulation, iontophoresis, cold laser, biofeedback, Game Ready cold compression, mechanical traction, hot packs and ice.
Why is Physical Therapy a good choice?
More than half of all Americans are suffering from pain. Whether it is acute pain or chronic pain, there’s a ton of evidence showing that pain in America is a widespread problem that commonly results in sick days from work, and can be a precursor to opioid use and dependency. However, many do not even know that Physical Therapists are well equipped to not only manage pain but also find its source.
Physical Therapists are experts at treating movement and neuro-musculoskeletal disorders. Pain often accompanies a movement disorder, and Physical Therapists can help correct the disorder and relieve the pain.
Why should I choose a private practice Physical Therapist?
Would you prefer treatment from a Physical Therapist (PT) who works for a physician or one that owns a private practice? We leave it up to you to draw your own conclusions but here are some facts from three different studies:
Results indicate there were more treatments, and the cost was greater for those patients that attended a physician-owned Physical Therapy practice vs. private physical therapy practice (visits per patient were 39% to 45% higher in physician-owned clinics; and both gross and net revenue per patient were 30% to 40% higher in physician-owned clinics).
Results indicate that licensed and non-licensed Physical Therapy providers spent less time with each patient in physician-owned clinics, and more often, Physical Therapy Assistants were substituted for Physical Therapists.
Results concluded that “Therapists who had treated patients through Direct Access were significantly more likely to believe that Direct Access had benefited them professionally and benefited their patients than were Therapists who had not practiced through Direct Access.”
As Professionals, we believe we can provide you with the highest quality of care available and do it in a cost-effective manner. You will work closely with your Physical Therapist and your treatment will be managed by the same Physical Therapist from the beginning to the end of your experience with us.
Mitchell, J., Scott, E., Physician Ownership of Physical Therapy Services: Effects on Charges, Utilization, Profits, and Service Characteristics, Journal of the American Medical Association, 1992.
“Joint Ventures Among Health Care Providers in Florida,” State of Florida Health Care Cost Containment Board, 1991.
Federal Office of the Inspector General May 1, 2006 – This report calls into question billing processes done by non-physical therapist owned practices.
Domholdt E, Durchholz AG. Direct access use by experienced therapists in states with direct access. Phys Ther. 1992 Aug;72(8):569-74.
Is Physical Therapy painful?
For many patients, one of the primary objectives is pain relief. This is frequently accomplished with hands-on techniques and modalities such as ultrasound, electrical stimulation, and/or heat or cold therapy. Movement often provides pain relief as well. Your Physical Therapist will provide you with the appropriate exercises not only for pain relief, but to recover range of motion, strength, and endurance.
In some cases, Physical Therapy techniques can be painful. For example, recovering knee range of motion after total knee replacement, or shoulder range of motion after shoulder surgery, may be painful. Your Physical Therapist will utilize a variety of techniques to help maximize your treatment goals. It is important that you communicate the intensity, frequency, and duration of pain to your Therapist. Without this information, it is difficult for the Physical Therapist to adjust your treatment plan.
Can my Physical Therapist provide me with a diagnosis?
In most states, physical therapists cannot make a medical diagnosis. This is something that your physician will provide for you. While physical therapists are important members of your medical team, physicians are typically the healthcare providers that will provide you with a medical diagnosis.
Is my Physical Therapist licensed?
Physical Therapists (PTs) and Physical Therapist Assistants (PTAs) are licensed by their respective states.
Are services available for those who don't speak English?
Yes, we have a physical therapist that is fluent in Mandarin
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